Wellness Supports

This page provides resources to support social, emotional, and academic wellness.


The Roosevelt S.T.A.Y.* SEL** Team provides this support.

Members of this team:


  • One School Psychologist.
  • Three School Social Workers.
  • Two Community Partner Social Workers, one of whom is a Spanish-speaking provider.
  • Four Counselors - two are Spanish-speaking providers.
  • And Three School Resource Coordinators, one is a Spanish-speaking provider.


Below is the link to download the “Referral form” that staff and family members can complete to identify and express the need for support.

Upon submission, it automatically alerts the School Behavior Health Coordinator.  That person will review the form and identify SEL Team members to contact the student and/or family member.

The “RSTAY Student Universal Referral Form” is specifically for students to complete, to request support for themselves.

*STAY: School to Aid Youth

**SEL: Social, Emotional Learning